Window Analysis

Macrostatic WINDOW is a reliable and fast software in which sufficient (minimum) moments of inertia and section modulus of aluminum profiles to be used in the system can be calculated in accordance with European Standards.
It provides modelling solutions, suitable for the project, with the profiles and materials defined in its library.
According to “EN 1999-1-1: 2007”, Macrostatic WINDOW detects maximum loads and critical deflections due to wind load and vertical glass load, makes every calculations and presents the result in a detailed report.
is easy to model thanks to the comprehensible interface of Macrostatic WINDOW.
The material is quickly selected with the “Frame Material” button in the program interface. In this way, the program automatically gives the necessary mechanical information of the material for the calculation.
Deflection limits can be determined according to Eurocode or the criteria defined by the user in the interface with the "Custom" option.
Profiles are placed vertically or horizontally on the figure in the interface. The distances between profiles can be calibrated easily with the "Split" buttons.

Macrostatic WINDOW solves the system to find two separate minimum moments of inertia and minimum section modulus for wind load and vertical glass load.
The program gives separate analysis results for each profile and lists it in a part in the interface. The user can smoothly selects elements that have sufficient resistance against the loads acting on it through this list.
With the “GET PDF” button in the “REPORT” section, the program offers analysis results by quickly and clear reporting.